Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New item to let go~

Hi korg!!! This heels i bought while im studying in Japan..beli Aug last year. and for ur info, sekali pon i x pnh pakai!!! sbbnye, blk dr jepun, time tu sibuk ngan thesis, pastu prepare kawen, mmg x sempat nk pakai kemas2 i trjumpa ini..

now i dh 4month preggy, rasanya klu blh pakai pon, it takes about 6month ++ lagi baru leh pakai..i risau klu simpan je, this item will be rosak kan? plus kalau dh ade baby, xmungkin awal2 tu my mom bg pakai heels tinggi ni..

Layan picture dulu jom!!

Color light gold

Belakang dia ada sulam.

Detail of the sulam..label bwh kasut pon x bukak lg ok =)

So, here details of item:
color:light gold
tinggi: 4 inch.
size: 37. tp sbb org jepun size kecik, i think this should be comfy for those who wear size 5 (36).
harga: Rm100. Trust me i beli harga dia time tu lg mahal than rm100.
I will give u dust bag skali ok ;-)

Siapa brminat, tglkan comment k..or maybe ur phone num? thanx guys ^_^ sape cepat bank in, kasut ni dia punya hokeh ;-)


    x boleh pakai tinggi2. hu3.

  2. hi BBF!! im interested. boleh buat raya!

  3. korg..sape minat, do msg me cepat2 k ^_^ 012-276 6693
