Friday, February 19, 2010

BoyFie's HandMAde...

Picta ni i ambik masa ke Kamaishi few weeks a go..Tmpatnye dekat ngan Pacific Oceans.It had a very nice view.

Gambar ni biase je sblm di edit coz ambk dlm hotel while wearing 'yukata' (Its not a kimono but look alike). Masa tu pun dah nk tdo.. Taken by myvenezuelan friend, Laura.

Tapi masa i blk dr Kamaishi tu, mcm biasa i akn upload picta untuk dikongsi dgn bf i..hmm he like diz picta sho much =) he did copy it & edit sikit2 n send it to me.. n looks.. =)

Tq dear..atleast 2pimples i kat dahi tu dh xnampak sgt.. =p tp now mmg dh betul2 hlg dh ;-) (happy)


  1. cute girlz...we r u at tokyo...
    tq for visit my blog.. :)

  2. im in nagaoka...u kat tokyo...diz week im going to tokyo too =) ade trip ke steel factory =)
